Executive Officers

President: Simon Brackett
1st Vice President: Richie Sands
2nd Vice President: Tony Woodruff
Secretary: Nicole Cosman
Treasurer: Matt Ohrstrom
Past President: Amie Kemppainen

Appointed Council

NGAUS State Representative: –Vacant–
EANGUS State Representative: Mark Anthony Sproviero
Air Guard Retiree: Joe Stevens
Army Guard Retiree: Mike Wilson

Ex- Officio Council Members

Executive Director: Jeff Frisby
Family Programs: Dawn Dancer/ Tina Predmore
Company Grade/ Junior Officer Representative: –Vacant–
Junior Enlisted Representative: –Vacant–
TAG Representative: –Vacant–
SEL Representative: –Vacant–

MSC Representatives (1 Officer, 1 Enlisted per command)

JFHQ- Army
Officer: –Vacant–
Enlisted: –Vacant–

Camp Grayling JMTC
Officer: Jennifer Swymeler
Enlisted: Kevin Palmatier

Fort Custer Training Site/ 177th RTC
Officer: –Vacant–
Enlisted: –Vacant–

Officer: –Vacant–
Enlisted: –Vacant–

63rd TRP BDE
Officer: –Vacant–
Enlisted: –Vacant–

272nd RSG
Officer: –Vacant–
Enlisted: Joseph Gregory

177th MP BDE
Officer: –Vacant–
Enlisted: –Vacant–

Officer: –Vacant–
Enlisted: –Vacant–

127th Wing
Officer: –Vacant–
Enlisted: –Vacant–

110th AW
Officer: –Vacant–
Enlisted: –Vacant–

Alpena CRTC
Officer: –Vacant–
 Kyle Metzger

NGAM Standing Committees

Awards and Scholarships Committee
Chair: Richie Sands
Co-Chair: Leah Voelker

Bylaws Committee
Chair: Mike Wilson
Co-Chair: Joe Stevens

Conference Committee
Chair: Keith Lane
Co-Chair:  Christopher Pawsat

Corporate Programs Committee
Chair: –Vacant–
Co-Chair: –Vacant–

Finance Committee
Chair: –Vacant–
Co-Chair: –Vacant–
Ex-Officio NGAM Treasurer: Matt Ohrstrom

Junior Ranks Committee
Chair (Junior Officer): –Vacant–
Chair (Junior Enlisted): –Vacant–

Legislative Committee
Chair: Richie Sands
Co-Chair: –Vacant–

Membership Committee
Chair: Tony Woodruff
Co-Chair:  Christopher Pawsat

Resolutions Committee
Chair: –Vacant–
Co-Chair: –Vacant–

Retiree Affairs Committee
Chair: Mike Wilson
Co-Chair: Joe Stevens

Ways and Means Committee
Officer: –Vacant–

Veterans Support Grant Committee


NGAM Special Committees

Nominations Committee
Chair: Amie Kemppainen
Co-Chair: Scott Meyers

NGAUS 2024
Chair: Jeff Connell
Co-Chair: Scott Meyers

Ready to step up and serve?  We need your leadership and ideas to help make NGAM a valuable resource to the National Guard.  To volunteer for any of the positions above or if you have other ways you can help, email us at executivedirector@ngam.org.