What is NGAM?

The National Guard Association of Michigan (NGAM) exists to advance the interests of the Michigan National Guard. Formed in 1956, NGAM has a 60-year tradition of providing services to its members and support for their families. In 1962, we were incorporated as a 501(c)19 non-profit veterans organization.

Our Mission:

  • Advance the interests of the Michigan National Guard
  • Promote the welfare of the Michigan National Guard
  • Encourage friendly social relations among members
  • Provide member benefits
  • Communicate information
  • Promote legislation on behalf of Guard Members

Our Vision:

  • Total and active membership
  • Active and sustaining corporate support



How does NGAM help Guardsmen?

NGAM administers the Veteran Support Grant (VSG) program. The VSG program is designed to assist Michigan Guardsmen and veterans in need. The VSG program can grant a individual up to $25,000 in financial support and the program consistently gives more than $250,000 per year to those in need. Further, our program can help Guardsmen that might not otherwise be eligible for other forms of assistance, so it is crucial that we maintain this program to ease the burden for Michigan Guard Families.

Your membership in NGAM guarantees that we can maintain the VSG program. Unit by unit, if we can achieve 100% membership, we can grow the VSG program and even expand the scope of our charitable operations.

What can NGAM do for me?

NGAM advocates on behalf of the Michigan Guardsmen in Lansing and DC, provides professional development opportunities for junior officers and junior enlisted, and provides for social and professional networking opportunities for Michigan Guardsmen.

We can…

  • Make your voice heard in the Michigan Legislature and in Congress
  • Introduce you to thought leaders in your career path and expose you to new ideas
  • Give you peace of mind to know you did your part to help a fellow Guardsmen in need
  • Offer financial support if you are in need of money in an emergency
  • Bring you together with other Guardsmen in a social setting to share goodwill


  • Advance the interests of the Michigan National Guard
  • Promote the welfare of the Michigan National Guard
  • Encourage friendly social relations among members
  • Provide member benefits
  • Communicate information
  • Promote legislation on behalf of Guard Members


  • Total and active membership
  • Active and sustaining corporate support

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